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Chakra with Buddha ornament. Stretchable to: approx. 19 cm.
The term "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and in the literal translation means "wheel", "discus", "circle". Chakras are subtle energy vortices inside and outside the body. Chakra refers to the connection points between the body and the astral body (energy body, invisible shell) of the human being. Ancient Tibetan and Indian texts mention 72,000 to 350,000 such energy centers. Seven of the chakras are considered to be the main energy centers of the human being and are located along the spine or the vertical axis of the body. The connecting points are imagined to be funnel-shaped, protruding several centimeters above the surface of the body. In simple terms, chakras function like pumps with the task of absorbing energy from outside and supplying it to the human energy system.
sehr schönes Armand, passt wunderbar. Werde wohl noch weitere bestellen für die ganze Familie.
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Beautiful and comfortable wrist mala.
Sehr schönes Armband! Einfach perfekt!
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